Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Of Food & Me

Over the past couple of days I've realized that once I start eating something it seems really hard to stop. It seems like I'm constantly munching on something-apples, bananas, milk & cereal, cranberries, or any little thing that I can find in my room.

That, is not good.

So Today I decided to write down the things I've eaten and when I ate them.

10:30 Bowl of cereal & milk
12:15 Brown rice w/ kimchi, soybean sprouts and seasoned dried octopus
02:10 Handful of cranberries
(4:55 Wanted food but decided to wait it out by visiting Jon in Muir tioga 10th floor)
06:00 Half a burrito from goody's, an Oreo and a kiwi
08:45 Milkshake. kill.

There seems to be a trend-that my body has the urge to eat something every two hours. It's almost like an internal clock. Sometimes I'm not even hungry.

I read from a news article that the body craves whatever it's been getting, so I guess from now on I'll pay more attention to my eating habits.

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