There are so many little things in life that brush past us, unnoticed. After all, we're all busy people with busy schedules and busy work and busy..whatnot. But sometimes all we need to do is stop. Even if it's just for the slightest moment- a glance towards the skies, a listen for the crow's cries, or even a breath of the air outside. Just stop for a moment, and you'll find that the most seemingly insignificant thing can also bring the most joy. Oh the things you can discover! They never cease to put a smile on my face.
Recently, I've noticed that the trees outside my window have put on new coats for the winter. The leaves form quite the beautiful mix of colors- the fire orange complimenting the young yellow and at the same time contrasting with the few spots of stubborn and strong green. They waltz and bend to the gentle coaxing of the wind, rattling the music incomprehensible with my human ears. Wishing to capture the moment, I took out my handy dandy digital camera (that I haven't used in a while, sad face), and took random snaps of the trees. Being slightly vertically challenged, compared to the trees, of course, I could only take pictures from underneath their mighty branches. That was when I realized how different each and every one of the trees are from each other. Despite common belief, they aren't just trees. Each tree is an art piece itself, and they are definitely not "all the same."
Shooting all from the same angle (namely, me bending backwards to take pictures of what's on top of me), the pictures turned out like this:

Each frame is like the canvas, and the branches the strokes.
Each one is unique.
And all it took was seeing them at a different angle.
I guess the same thing applies to life as well. I vaguely remember a quote from my text book way back in 5th grade, and the direct translation went along the lines of this: "A chipped teacup. If you turn it around, look at it from a different angle, it's still a whole, and as good as new." Back then, the quote didn't really appeal to me as much, because I guess to my fifth grade mind a chipped cup was a chipped cup no matter how you look at it.
But now, I would like to believe that I've matured. Because now I can sort of see life and accept life as the way it is, not bad, but just good from a different angle. Yes, I may be a bit too optimistic for your taste. Yes, I may seem to live in a surreal world, in my own bubble that seem to make me float in the skies. But nevertheless, seeing things from a different perspective helps me confront even the toughest situations in my life with a smile on my face.
After all, all it takes is a simple tilt of the head. Why not give it a try?
You just might find the world much more beautiful that way.
I'm glad someone other than myself feels the same way.
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