Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Curse

Finals are coming up.
Actually, let me rephrase that. My chemistry final is tomorrow.
Normal people would be going coo-coo right now, with the mental sirens sounding and screaming "ALERT! ALERT!" in their heads as they cram to make that finals stretch...

But as you can see, that's not me. I, unfortunately, was cursed with an unexplainably high tolerance for procrastination.

Yeah. The Curse so cruelly casted on my mind, taking away all the stress that I should be feeling and replacing them with urges to...

1. Roam around the house aimlessly
3. Munch
4. Research the health benefits of all my munchies
5. Sleep
6. Eat some more

Despite not consciously feeling stressed at all, I know that my body is in fact VERY STRESSED right now. Because all the symptoms are showing- the sleepiness, inability to focus, and the forever insatiable hunger.

Which led to the ingestion of almost 5 lbs of cherries in the span of last two days (among various other snacks).
So. Good. Nom.


I will talk about my berries-addiction another day. :D

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